There are two days left for you to get the job done.
This challenge is a critical part of our field plan this summer. Each person who says "I'm in," attends an event, or makes a donation because of your work is one more person who will be empowered to continue building this campaign in their own neighborhoods over the next year and a half.
Because you're one of our most dedicated supporters who hasn't yet taken up the challenge, I'm asking you to step in and be a part of this.
Sign up for our "50 for 50" challenge right now and start bringing new supporters into this movement:
You might think that 50 supporters in two days sounds like a lot -- and I'll admit that it isn't a small undertaking. But neither is the campaign we're trying to build.
And when you reach 50 by Thursday, you'll be automatically entered for the chance to attend the President's birthday event in Chicago next week.
It's an extra incentive to get moving -- but one I don't think you need. You've helped grow this movement before, so you know that campaigns don't just grow on their own. It takes time and commitment to bring in new supporters.
Sign up for the challenge, and help us grow this movement by 50 new supporters in the next two days:
Jeremy Bird
National Field Director
Obama for America
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