Modest Message from Democrats to Rick Perry

Buddy you’re a boy make a big noise
Playin’ in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo’ face
You big disgrace
Kickin’ your can all over the place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Buddy you’re a young man hard man
Shoutin’ in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on yo’ face
You big disgrace
Wavin’ your banner all over the place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Buddy you’re an old man poor man
Pleadin’ with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day

You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Somebody better put you back in your place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you 

People are not a GOP Priority

Republican Priorities
Joplin disaster: No relief without budget cuts
Irene disaster: No relief without budget cuts
Big oil subsidies: Given without budget cuts
Tax cuts for the rich: Given without budget cuts

Republican strategy: Use victims as leverage for political agenda while giving carte blanche to the wealthy.

Message from DCC: Fight GOP Deregulation

You need to see this: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is set to launch an all-out assault on environmental and labor protections.

Cantor’s scheme is yet another Republican attempt to sacrifice clean air, clean water and workers’ rights at the altar of the Tea Party fringe and the GOP’s special-interest backers like the Koch Brothers.

With Congress set to re-convene next week, we must act quickly to fight back. We are just $64,961 short of hitting our $500,000 Republican Accountability Fund goal before the Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline hits this Wednesday. Can you help put us over the top?

Details of Cantor’s memo to House Republicans were revealed in today’s Washington Post:
"House Republicans will roll out plans Monday to fight regulations from the National Labor Relations Board, pollution rules handed down by the Environmental Protection Agency and regulations that affect health plans for small businesses."
As we’ve learned in the Wisconsin labor fight and in Republican statehouses across the country, there is no substitute for grassroots Democrats standing up and fighting right-wing interests who are desperately trying to roll back some of the most important progressive victories of the past century.

Top 5 Irene Responses

Top posts about Irene from Facebook and
  • No joke: RW media hit Obama for politicizing caring too much
  • hmm....response after a few days versus response within hours....Yeah, Bush was SO much better.....
  • The reason why I don't like to read those article comments... someone on this yahoo article blamed Obama for Hurricane Irene.
  • This administration was PRO-ACTIVE and not REACTIVE to a hurricane, unlike the Bush administration. Pres. Obama had his cabinet at "All Hands on Deck" when the hurricane was still in the Caribbean, days before it made land fall in NC. That's called leadership people!
  • Typical socialist--making the American taxpayers pay for a shortened vacation AND a plane to get from where he was to FEMA

CBO: Stimulus Saved America


~They raised real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product by between 0.8 percent and 2.5 percent
~Lowered the unemployment rate by between 0.5 percentage points and 1.6 percentage points
~Increased the number of people employed by between 1.0 million and 2.9 million
~Increased the number of full-time-equivalent (FTE) jobs by 1.4 million to 4.0 million compared with what would have occurred otherwise.

This means that the ARRA increased our nation's output and decreased unemployment.


Presentation of Gaddafi's Fall

Presentation of Libyan leader Gaddafi's fall.
Rebel forces have taken the vast majority of Tripoli, captured his son's and surround his compound.  Follow the preceding events in this presentation.

Obama's Vacation Days: 2 Times Fewer than Reagan, 3 Rimes Fewer than Bush and 4 times Fewer than You

At this time in his presidency, Obama took nearly 1/3 of the vacation days as Bush and 1/2 as many as Reagan at the same time.  He has taken 6.5 percent of his days in office as vacation days.  If you get Saturday and Sunday off then you get 26.67% percent of your days off.  That means Obama takes 1/4 of the vacation days compared to the average American.  The claims that he has taken a lot of time off? More partisan hackery.


Obama's Economy Plan

Obama's outline for proposals to help the US economy:
  • Extend the payroll tax cut so that middle class families have more money in their paychecks next year.  If you've got more money in your paycheck, you're more likely to spend it, and that means businesses of all sizes will have more customers. They'll be in a better position to hire.  
  • Extend unemployment benefits so that millions of workers who are still pounding the pavement looking for jobs can support their families
  • Pass a bipartisan road construction bill. There are over a million construction workers out of work after the housing boom went bust, just as a lot of America needs rebuilding.  We can put these workers back to work by rebuilding our roads and bridges and railways.  
  • Pass the patent reform bill to help our innovators and entrepreneurs get their job creating ideas to market faster.
  • Pass the trade agreements that will help businesses sell more American-made goods and services to Asia and South America, supporting tens of thousands of jobs here at home.
  • Put our bright, talented and skilled veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan to work. The President has proposed several initiatives to make sure our veterans are able to navigate this difficult labor market and succeed in the civilian workforce, including the Returning Heroes and Wounded Warrior Tax Credits, and his challenge to the private sector to train or hire 100,000 unemployed veterans.

How the Stimulus Affected the Economy

There would have been a consistent downward trend without the stimulus.  If the demand created by the stimulus was removed, there would be significantly fewer jobs and higher unemployment.  We would JUST be starting to improve and Republicans would be whining about how Obama didn't act quickly with a stimulus.

Understanding the Stimulus

Tax Benefits

Individual tax credits

Increased Alternative Minimum Tax Exemption$79.1B
First Time Homebuyer Credit$10.6B
American Opportunity Tax Credit$9.8B
Child Tax Credit$9.2B
Exclude up to $2,400 of unemployment insurance benefits from gross income for taxable year 2009$6.3B
Extension of Alternative Minimum Tax Relief for Nonrefundable Personal Credits$4.4B
Earned Income Tax Credit$2.6B
Deduction on Sales and Excise Taxes for Certain Motor Vehicles$580M
Computer Technology and Equipment Allowed as a Higher Education Expense$0

Making Work Pay

Making Work Pay$89.3B

Tax Incentives for Business

Special Allowance for Certain Properties Acquired in 2009$24.8B
Deferred Income from Cancellation of Certain Indebtedness$7.3B
Temporary Increase in Limitations on Expensing of Certain Depreciable Business Assets$1.2B
5-Year Carryback of Operating Losses of Small Businesses$930M
Temporarily Reduced the Recognition Period for Built-in Gains Tax$200M
Incentives to Hire Unemployed Veterans and 16 to 24 Year Old$170M
Modifies Rules for Original Issue Discount on Certain High-Yield Obligations$0
Decreased Estimated Tax Payments for Certain Small Businesses$0
Changed Certain Ownerships for Purposes of Limitations on Net Operating Loss Carry Forwards and Certain Built-In Losses$0
Clarified Regulations Related to Limitations on Certain Built-in Losses Following an Ownership Change**-$1.2B

Energy Incentives

Residential Energy Credit$9.3B
Residential Credit for Alternative Energy$300M
Credit for Electricity Produced from Certain Renewable Resources$150M
Extension of Commuter Transit Benefits / Transit Passes$110M
Business Credits for Renewable Energy Properties$74M
Electric Motor Vehicles Credit$62M
Increased Credit for Alternative Fuel Vehicles Refueling Properties$35M
Increased Limitation on Energy Conservation Bonds$4M
Investment Credit or Productions Credit$0
Increased Limitation on Clean Renewable Energy Bonds$0
Carbon Dioxide Used as a Tertiary Injectant$0
Renewable Energy Grants vs Energy Investment Tax Credit*-$800M



Manufacturing & Economic Recovery, Infrastructure Refinancing, Other

Build America Bonds$500M
Credit for Investment in Advanced Energy Facilities$330M
Exception for Tax-Exempt Interest Expense of Financial Institutions$300M
Special Tax Credit for Certain Government Retirees$190M
Qualified School Construction Bonds$140M
Extension of Unemployment Compensation$130M
Health Coverage Improvement$120M
Prohibited Collection of Certain Payments Made Under the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000$65M
Increase in New Markets Tax Credit$61M
Recovery Zone Bonds$58M
Modified Small-Issuer Exception to Tax-Exempt Interest Expense Allocation Rules for Financial Institutions$36M
Tribal Economic Development Bonds$17M
Temporarily Expanded Industrial-Development Bonds to Facilities Manufacturing Intangible Properties$7M
Extension and Expansion of Qualified Zone Academy Bonds$6M
Temporarily Modified Alternative Minimum Tax Limitations on Tax-Exempt Bonds$3M
Grants to States for Low-Income Housing Projects in Lieu of Low-Income Housing Credit Allocations$2M
Modified High Speed Intercity Rail Facility Bonds$0
Delayed Application of Withholding Tax on Government Contractors$0
Regulated Investment Companies Allowed to Pass-Thru Tax Credit Bond Credits$0
Extension of Trade Adjustment Assistance to Service Sector and Public Agency Workers; Shifts in Production$0
Low-Income Housing Credit and Low-Income Housing Grants*-$120M

Contracts, Grants and Loans


Department of Education-Office of Elementary and Secondary Education-State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, Recovery Act$47,070,015,881
Department of Education-Federal Student Aid-Student Financial Assistance, Recovery Act$16,449,629,099
Department of Education-Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services-Special Education, Recovery Act$10,590,767,692
Department of Education-Office of Elementary and Secondary Education-Compensatory Education for the Disadvantaged, Recove$9,140,235,360
Department of Education-Office of Elementary and Secondary Education-School Improvement Programs, Recovery Act$525,276,407
Corporation for National and Community Service-Operating Expenses, Recovery Act$141,065,465
Department of Education-Office of Elementary and Secondary Education-Impact Aid, Recovery Act$70,515,305
Department of Education-Federal Student Aid-Student Aid Administration, Recovery Act$58,749,420
Department of Education-Office of Innovation and Improvement-Innovation and Improvement, Recovery Act$52,908,842
National Endowment for the Arts-National Endowment for the Arts: Grants and Administration$49,911,115
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Program Administration$41,995,070
Department of Education-Institute of Education Sciences-Institute of Education Sciences, Recovery Act$24,130,736
National Science Foundation-Education and Human Resources, Recovery Act$23,414,599
Department of Education-Office of Postsecondary Education-Higher Education, Recovery Act$13,707,846


Department of Transportation-Federal Highway Administration-Highway Infrastructure Investment, Recovery Act$21,260,498,712
Department of Transportation-Federal Transit Administration-Transit Capital Assistance, Recovery Act$4,907,683,575
Department of Transportation-Federal Railroad Administration-Capital Grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporatio$1,297,480,554
Department of Transportation-Federal Aviation Administration-Grants-in-aid for Airports, Recovery Act$1,063,681,281
Department of Transportation-Federal Transit Administration-Fixed Guideway Infrastructure Investment, Recovery Act$503,936,032
Department of Transportation-Federal Railroad Administration-Capital Assistance for High Speed Rail Corridors$259,300,094
Department of Transportation-Office of the Secretary of Transportation-Supplemental Discretionary Grants for a National S$147,997,980

Energy / Environment

Department of Energy-Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Recovery$8,704,920,087
Department of Treasury-Departmental Offices-Grants for Specified Energy Property in Lieu of Tax Credits$8,432,337,541
Department of Energy-Deputy Administration for Defense Programs-Defense Environmental Clean-up Recovery$4,277,485,974
Department of Energy-Office of Emergency Operations-Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Recovery$1,590,216,041
Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Marketing Administration-Bonneville Power Administration Fund$659,671,876
Department of the Interior-Bureau of Reclamation-Water and Related Resources, Recovery Act$589,318,587
Environmental Protection Agency-Hazardous Substance Superfund, Recovery Act$542,518,069
Department of Energy-Non-defense Environmental Clean-up, Recovery$349,668,006
Department of Energy-Office of Nuclear Security/National Nuclear Security Administration-Uranium Enrichment Decontaminati$307,362,752
GSA-Office of the Federal Acquisition Service-Energy-Efficient Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Procurement$299,945,804
Department of Energy-Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program$279,648,400
Environmental Protection Agency-Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program$149,156,890
Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Marketing Administration -Western Area Power Administration Fund, Borrowing Authori$149,134,438
Department of Energy-Energy Transformation Acceleration Fund$143,713,782
Department of the Interior-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-Resource Management, Recovery Act$143,081,488
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Green Retrofit Program (Grants) for Multifam Housing$136,788,631
Department of the Interior-National Park Service.-Operation of the National Park System, Recovery Act$133,833,230
Department of the Interior-Geological Survey-Surveys, Investigations, and Research, Recovery Act$101,335,605
Department of the Interior-Bureau of Land Management-Management of Lands and Resources, Recovery Act$70,904,726
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Green Retrofit Program (Loans) for Multifam Housing$68,526,789
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Office Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control-Lead Hazard Reduction, Recovery$67,428,052
Environmental Protection Agency-Environmental Programs and Management$63,328,824
Department of Energy-Weapons Activities$10,294,467
Department of Energy-Advance Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program$8,855,037
Department of Energy-Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy$7,214,147
Department of the Interior-National Park Service.-Historic Preservation Fund, Recovery Act$2,980,042
Southwestern Power$325,000
USDA-Conservation Operations$194,316


Environmental Protection Agency-State and Tribal Assistance Grants, Recovery Act$5,348,479,156
GSA-General Services Administration-Federal Buildings Fund, Recovery Act$2,392,845,990
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Operation and Maintenance, Recovery Act$1,860,670,415
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Construction, Recovery Act$1,449,021,432
Department of the Army-Operation and Maintenance, Army, Recovery Act$1,205,372,700
Department of the Air Force-Operation and Maintenance, Air Force, Recovery Act$955,838,100
Department of Transportation-Federal Transit Administration-Capital Investment Grants, Recovery Act$743,494,950
Department of Commerce-National Telecommunication and Information Administration-Broadband Technology Opportunities Progr$636,101,679
USDA-Forest Service-Capital Improvement and Maintenance, Recovery Act$474,048,494
Department of the Navy-Operation and Maintenance, Navy, Recovery Act$400,266,615
Department of the Interior-National Park Service.-Construction and Major Maintenance, Recovery Act$390,925,758
Department of Commerce-National Telecommunication and Information Administration-Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program,$333,455,536
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Mississippi River and Tributaries, Recovery Act$306,037,142
Department of the Interior-Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary)-Construction, Recovery Act$296,464,279
USDA-Rural Utilities Service-Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program Account$260,457,637
TRICARE Management Activity-Defense Health Program, Recovery Act$242,885,178
National Guard Bureau, Office of the Chief- Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard, Recovery Act$233,959,432
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service-Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations, Recovery Act$207,222,940
Department of Defense-Military Construction, Defense-wide, Recovery Act$188,925,725
USDA-Rural Utilities Service-Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program$180,677,707
Department of State-U.S. and Mexico International Boundary and Water Commission-Construction, IBWC, Recovery Act$167,596,318
Department of the Navy-Military Construction, Navy, Recovery Act$166,364,163
Department of Transportation-Federal Aviation Administration-Facilities and Equipment, Recovery Act$153,732,154
GSA-Federal Buildings Fund$148,427,936
Department of Commerce-National Institute of Standards and Technology-Construction of Research Facilities, Recovery Act$134,307,187
Department of State-Capital Investment Fund, Recovery Act$132,161,276
National Science Foundation-Major Research and Equipment and Facilities Construction$129,389,488
Department of the Army-Military Construction, Army, Recovery Act$128,373,062
Department of Commerce-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction, Recove$127,129,318
USDA-Rural Business Cooperative Service-Rural Business Program Account$123,564,200
Department of the Air Force-Military Construction, Air Force, Recovery Act$120,930,198
Department of the Interior-Bureau of Land Management-Construction, Recovery Act$117,178,694
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Coast Guard-Alteration of Bridges, Recovery Act$108,567,135
Department of the Interior-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-Construction, Recovery Act$106,921,685
Department of Commerce-Economic Development Administration-Economic Development Assistance Programs, Recovery Act$101,177,721
USDA-Agricultural Research Service-Buildings and Facilities, Recovery Act$98,526,567
U.S. Marine Corps-Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps, Recovery Act$96,729,054
Department of Transportation-Maritime Administration-Assistance to Small Shipyards, Recovery Act$83,429,025
U.S. Army Reserve Command-Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve, Recovery Act$82,077,407
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program, Recovery Act$81,358,794
Federal Communications Commission-Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program, Recovery Act$62,234,775
USDA-Rural Housing Service-Rural Community Facilities Program Account$52,041,070
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Coast Guard-Acquisition, Construction, and Improvements$51,063,155
Air National Guard-Military Construction, Air National Guard, Recovery Act$49,199,270
Naval Reserve Force-Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve, Recovery Act$43,023,163
Department of Veterans Affairs-Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs / National Cemetery System-National Cemetery Administ$42,096,516
Department of Defense-Working Capital Fund$41,414,917
National Guard Bureau, Office of the Chief- Military Construction, Army National Guard$40,815,471
USDA-Farm Service Agency-Aquaculture Assistance, Recovery Act$39,698,013
U.S. Agency for International Development-Capital Investment Fund$35,529,409
Federal Communications Commission-Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, Recovery Act$32,461,253
U.S. Marine Corps-Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve, Recovery Act$30,730,820
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Regulatory Program, Recovery Act$23,553,676
Air National Guard-Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard, Recovery Act$22,967,124
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service-Watershed Rehabilitation Program, Recovery Act$20,627,246
Department of Defense-U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers - Construction$18,025,621
Department of the Navy- Operations and Maintenance, Navy$15,669,300
USDA-Office of the Secretary of Agriculture-Agriculture Buildings and Facilities and Rental Payments$12,952,364
Headquarters, Air Force Reserve-Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve, Recovery Act$10,590,644
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Working Capital Fund - Recovery Act$10,213,672
Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Marketing Administration-Construction, Rehabilitation, Operation and Maintenance We$6,391,041
Department of Veterans Affairs-Immediate Office of the Assist. Sec. - Info. & Technology-Information Technology Systems,$5,597,409
Department of Defense-U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers - Operations and Maintenance$3,390,264
Working Capital Fund, Transportation Systems Center$2,738,839
Department of State-Working Capital Fund$2,130,138


Department of Treasury-Departmental Offices-Grants to States for Low-Income Housing Projects in Lieu of Low-Income Housin$4,781,384,040
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing-Public Housing Capital Fund$3,447,274,026
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development-Home Investment Pa$2,050,627,270
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing-Project-based Rental Assist$1,999,742,804
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development-Community Developm$1,227,538,768
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development-Homelessness Preve$1,074,297,219
Department of Defense-Homeowners Assistance Fund, Recovery Act$555,000,000
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing-Native American Housing Blo$447,748,776
USDA-Rural Housing Service-Rural Housing Insurance Fund Program Account$186,671,386
Department of Treasury-Departmental Offices-Community Development Financial Institution Fund Program Account$99,456,465
Department of the Air Force-Family Housing Construction, Air Force, Recovery Act$61,798,508
Department of the Army-Family Housing Construction, Army, Recovery Act$18,343,786
Department of the Air Force-Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air Force$14,867,003
Department of the Army-Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Army, Recovery Act$3,782,646
Department of the Interior-Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary)-Indian Guaranteed Loan Program Account, Recovery Act$2,946,521


No TAS reported--Savings to States on State Contributions for Prescription Drug Costs Due to ARRA FMAP Increase$4,318,878,262
HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Emergency Contingency Fund for State Temporary Assistance for Needy$4,230,223,902
HHS-Health Resources and Services Administration-Health Resources and Services, Recovery$1,943,314,687
Department of Veterans Affairs-Under Secretary for Health / Veterans Health Administration-Medical Facilities, Recovery A$721,380,408
HHS-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-Disease Control, Research and Training, Recovery$505,802,788
HHS-Indian Health Service-Indian Health Facilities, Recovery$400,434,651
HHS-Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Office of National Coordinator for Health Information$390,757,486
USDA-Food and Nutrition Service-Commodity Assistance Program, Recovery Act$177,871,438
HHS-National Institutes of Health-Building and Facilities, Recovery$127,290,107
USDA-Food and Nutrition Service-State Child Nutrition Programs, Recovery$98,950,958
HHS-Administration on Aging-Aging Services Programs, Recovery$98,926,113
HHS-Indian Health Service-Indian Health Services, Recovery$81,152,566
Department of Veterans Affairs-Grants for Construction of State Extended Care Facilities$79,608,321
Department of Treasury-Internal Revenue Service-Health Insurance Tax Credit Administration, Recovery Act$76,699,775
USDA-Food and Nutrition Service-Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children$71,323,153
HHS-Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund, Rec$46,128,225
HHS-Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Prevention and Wellness Fund, Recovery$28,199,789
HHS-Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration$44,731

R&D / Science

National Science Foundation-Research and Related Activities, Recovery Act$1,214,537,199
Department of Energy-Office of Science-Science Recovery$1,125,181,590
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases$846,088,118
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Cancer Institute$725,606,999
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute$571,492,304
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Center for Research Resources, Recovery$538,285,022
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of General Medical Sciences$416,827,061
National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Science, Recovery Act$378,643,375
National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Exploration, Recovery Act$378,035,364
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases$344,978,974
Department of Energy-Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy-Fossil Energy Research and Development$321,017,572
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke$307,298,547
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Mental Health$269,197,528
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Child Health and Human Development$226,961,061
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute on Aging$207,352,546
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute on Drug Abuse$192,169,897
Department of Commerce-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Operations, Research, and Facilities, Recovery Act$182,352,041
HHS-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality-Healthcare Research and Quality, Recovery$157,182,850
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences$138,837,449
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Eye Institute$135,900,015
Department of Commerce-National Institute of Standards and Technology-Scientific and Technical Research and Services, Rec$123,009,932
National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Aeronautics, Recovery Act$120,434,373
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases$101,114,561
National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Cross Agency Support, Recovery Act$91,563,874
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Human Genome Research Institute$90,966,154
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism$82,929,416
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders$82,577,216
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research$75,102,986
Department of the Navy-Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Navy, Recovery Act$67,156,456
Department of the Air Force-Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Air Force, Recovery$65,725,122
Department of the Army-Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Army, Recovery Act$60,983,592
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Bioimaging and Bioengineering$58,722,659
Department of Defense-Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Defense-wide$57,030,821
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Library of Medicine$56,449,937
Department of Energy-General Science and Research Activities$43,374,740
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities$36,193,412
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Nursing Research$26,449,385
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine$25,010,276
HHS-National Institutes of Health-John E. Fogarty International Center$12,281,090
Department of Energy-Office of Nuclear Security/National Nuclear Security Administration-Isotope Production and Distribut$9,327,677
Department of the Navy-Research, Development, Test & Evaluation$404,017
Prosthetics Research NIH, Recovery Act$400,741
Environmental Protection Agency-Science and Technology Fund$275,674
Department of Energy-Department of Energy-Title 17 Innovative Technology Guaranteed Loan Financing$100,369

Other Programs

Department of Commerce-Bureau of the Census-Periodic Censuses and Programs, Recovery Act$994,009,432
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-State Unemployment Insurance and Employment Service Operations$821,223,985
HHS-National Institutes of Health-Office of Director, Recovery$772,469,797
Small Business Administration-Business Loans Program Account, Recovery Act$547,789,163
Social Security Administration-Administrative Expenses, Recovery Act$529,379,779
Department of the Interior-Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary)-Operation of Indian Programs, Recovery Act$305,214,165
Department of Veterans Affairs-General Operating Expenses, Recovery Act$150,611,628
Department of Treasury-Departmental Offices-Administrative Expenses, Recovery Act$121,472,516
HHS-Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services-Program Management$109,254,135
USDA-Under Secretary for Rural Development-Salaries and Expenses$100,038,390
GSA-Office of the Federal Acquisition Service-Acquisition Services Fund$90,797,311
Department of the Interior-National Business Center$80,059,054
Departmental Administration - Recovery Act$69,556,192
Small Business Administration-Salaries and Expenses, Recovery Act$54,909,157
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Customs and Border Protection-Salaries and Expenses, Customs and Border Protection$42,951,707
Department of the Interior-Bureau of Reclamation-Working Capital Fund$25,092,621
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Investigations, Recovery Act$20,925,850
USDA-Farm Service Agency-Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund Program Account$20,241,966
Corporation for National and Community Service-National Service Trust - Recovery Act$19,213,136
Department of State-Bureau of Consular Affairs-Diplomatic and Consular Program, Recovery Act$19,059,299
USDA-Farm Service Agency-Salaries and Expenses, Recovery Act$17,847,679
Department of Labor-Employment Standards Administration-Salaries and Expenses$13,986,663
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Administration, Operations, and Management - Recovery Act$9,840,792
Energy Information Administration, Recovery Act$7,998,712
Department of Labor-Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Salaries and Expenses$7,090,468
Department of Labor-Occupational Safety and Health Administration-Salaries and Expenses$6,670,912
Corporation for National and Community Service-Salaries and Expenses - Recovery Act$5,932,203
Department of the Interior-Working Capital Fund$5,379,082
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development-Personnel Compensa$5,170,431
Department of Labor-Employee Benefits Security Administration-Salaries and Expenses$4,905,442
HHS-Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-General Departmental Management$4,634,586
Expenses -- Recovery Act$3,996,984
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing-Personnel Compensation and$3,281,186
GSA-Office of Governmentwide Policy-Government-wide Policy, Recovery Act$2,942,166
Department of Commerce-Economic Development Administration-Salaries and Expenses - Recovery Act$2,643,477
Working Capital Fund$1,155,816
DOJ-Office of the Inspector General, Recovery Act$900,000
Department of State-U.S. and Mexico International Boundary and Water Commission-Salaries and Expenses, IBWC$859,455
Railroad Retirement Board-Limitation on Administration, Recovery Act$817,134
Department of the Interior-Office of the Inspector General-Salaries and Expenses, Recovery Act$770,095
Recovery Act - ARRA$679,974
Department of Homeland Security-Office of the Under Secretary for Management, Recovery Act$630,000
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Office Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control-Personnel Compensation and Benef$205,466
Other Defense Activities Recovery Act Reimbursable Work for Other Federal Agencies$101,197
Railroad Retirement Board-Administrative Expenses, Recovery Act$0
Small Business Administration-Surety Bond Guarantees Revolving Fund - Recovery Act$0
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Housing Personnel Compensation and Benefits - Recovery Act$0


HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Children and Families Services Programs, Recovery$2,667,962,383
HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Payments to States for Child Care and Development Block Grant$1,926,671,922
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - Recovery Act$298,540,480

Job Training / Unemployment

Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Training and Employment Services$3,296,321,459
Department of Education-Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services-Rehabilitation Services and Disability Re$527,244,094
Department of Labor-Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Office of Job Corps, Recovery Act$174,530,889
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Community Service Employment for Older Americans$116,382,603
USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service-Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers, Recovery Act$25,635,924
Department of Transportation-Maritime Administration-Operations and Training, Recovery Act

Public Safety

Department of Justice-Office of Justice Programs (OJP) - Department of Justice$2,252,318,570
Department of Homeland Security-Transportation Security Administration-Aviation Security, Recovery Act$511,150,280
Department of Justice-Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) - Department of Justice$398,218,007
USDA-Forest Service-Wildland Fire Management, Recovery Act$323,058,095
Department of Justice-Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) - Department of Justice$154,771,285
Department of Homeland Security-Federal Emergency Management Agency-Emergency Food and Shelter, Recovery Act$100,000,000
Department of Homeland Security-Federal Emergency Management Agency-State and Local Programs, Recovery Act$91,182,417
Department of Homeland Security-Federal Emergency Management Agency-Firefighter Assistance Grants, Recovery Act$55,279,257
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Customs and Border Protection-Construction, Customs and Border Protection$40,302,594
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Customs and Border Protection-Border Security Fencing, Infrastructure, and Technolog$18,139,764
Department of the Interior-Wildland Fire Management, Recovery Act$13,901,297
Federal Protective Services - Recovery Act$10,536,434
Department of Justice-Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) - Department of Justice$8,159,000
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement-Automation Modernization, Immigration and Custom$5,888,015


Medicaid Grants to States

HHS-Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services-Grants to States for Medicaid$84,583,411,745

Unemployment Insurance Programs

Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Payments to the Unemployment Trust Fund$37,275,321,752
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Federal Addtl Unemployment Compensation Program$14,100,468,934
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Unemployment Trust Fund$9,452,622,638
Railroad Retirement Board-Railroad Unemployment Insurance Extended Benefit Payments$10,484,364

Family Services

USDA-Food and Nutrition Service-Food Stamp Program, Recovery$25,777,227,548
HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Payments to States for Child Support Enforcement and Family Support$1,733,697,869
HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Payment to States for Foster Care and Adoption Assistance, Recovery$824,670,124

Economic Recovery Payments

Social Security Administration-Economic Recovery Payments, Recovery Act$13,214,103,394
Department of Veterans Affairs-Under Secretary for Benefits / Veterans Benefit Administration-Compensation and Pensions,$464,729,429
Railroad Retirement Board-Economic Recovery Payments$129,969,250

Agricultural Disaster Relief Fund

USDA-Farm Service Agency-Agricultural Disaster Relief Fund, Recovery Act$821,998,335
