Tax Benefits
Individual tax credits
Increased Alternative Minimum Tax Exemption | $79.1B |
First Time Homebuyer Credit | $10.6B |
American Opportunity Tax Credit | $9.8B |
Child Tax Credit | $9.2B |
Exclude up to $2,400 of unemployment insurance benefits from gross income for taxable year 2009 | $6.3B |
Extension of Alternative Minimum Tax Relief for Nonrefundable Personal Credits | $4.4B |
Earned Income Tax Credit | $2.6B |
Deduction on Sales and Excise Taxes for Certain Motor Vehicles | $580M |
Computer Technology and Equipment Allowed as a Higher Education Expense | $0 |
Making Work Pay
Making Work Pay | $89.3B |
Tax Incentives for Business
Special Allowance for Certain Properties Acquired in 2009 | $24.8B |
Deferred Income from Cancellation of Certain Indebtedness | $7.3B |
Temporary Increase in Limitations on Expensing of Certain Depreciable Business Assets | $1.2B |
5-Year Carryback of Operating Losses of Small Businesses | $930M |
Temporarily Reduced the Recognition Period for Built-in Gains Tax | $200M |
Incentives to Hire Unemployed Veterans and 16 to 24 Year Old | $170M |
Modifies Rules for Original Issue Discount on Certain High-Yield Obligations | $0 |
Decreased Estimated Tax Payments for Certain Small Businesses | $0 |
Changed Certain Ownerships for Purposes of Limitations on Net Operating Loss Carry Forwards and Certain Built-In Losses | $0 |
Clarified Regulations Related to Limitations on Certain Built-in Losses Following an Ownership Change** | -$1.2B |
Energy Incentives
Residential Energy Credit | $9.3B |
Residential Credit for Alternative Energy | $300M |
Credit for Electricity Produced from Certain Renewable Resources | $150M |
Extension of Commuter Transit Benefits / Transit Passes | $110M |
Business Credits for Renewable Energy Properties | $74M |
Electric Motor Vehicles Credit | $62M |
Increased Credit for Alternative Fuel Vehicles Refueling Properties | $35M |
Increased Limitation on Energy Conservation Bonds | $4M |
Investment Credit or Productions Credit | $0 |
Increased Limitation on Clean Renewable Energy Bonds | $0 |
Carbon Dioxide Used as a Tertiary Injectant | $0 |
Renewable Energy Grants vs Energy Investment Tax Credit* | -$800M |
COBRA | $3.7B |
Manufacturing & Economic Recovery, Infrastructure Refinancing, Other
Build America Bonds | $500M |
Credit for Investment in Advanced Energy Facilities | $330M |
Exception for Tax-Exempt Interest Expense of Financial Institutions | $300M |
Special Tax Credit for Certain Government Retirees | $190M |
Qualified School Construction Bonds | $140M |
Extension of Unemployment Compensation | $130M |
Health Coverage Improvement | $120M |
Prohibited Collection of Certain Payments Made Under the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 | $65M |
Increase in New Markets Tax Credit | $61M |
Recovery Zone Bonds | $58M |
Modified Small-Issuer Exception to Tax-Exempt Interest Expense Allocation Rules for Financial Institutions | $36M |
Tribal Economic Development Bonds | $17M |
Temporarily Expanded Industrial-Development Bonds to Facilities Manufacturing Intangible Properties | $7M |
Extension and Expansion of Qualified Zone Academy Bonds | $6M |
Temporarily Modified Alternative Minimum Tax Limitations on Tax-Exempt Bonds | $3M |
Grants to States for Low-Income Housing Projects in Lieu of Low-Income Housing Credit Allocations | $2M |
Modified High Speed Intercity Rail Facility Bonds | $0 |
Delayed Application of Withholding Tax on Government Contractors | $0 |
Regulated Investment Companies Allowed to Pass-Thru Tax Credit Bond Credits | $0 |
Extension of Trade Adjustment Assistance to Service Sector and Public Agency Workers; Shifts in Production | $0 |
Low-Income Housing Credit and Low-Income Housing Grants* | -$120M |
Contracts, Grants and Loans
Department of Education-Office of Elementary and Secondary Education-State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, Recovery Act | $47,070,015,881 |
Department of Education-Federal Student Aid-Student Financial Assistance, Recovery Act | $16,449,629,099 |
Department of Education-Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services-Special Education, Recovery Act | $10,590,767,692 |
Department of Education-Office of Elementary and Secondary Education-Compensatory Education for the Disadvantaged, Recove | $9,140,235,360 |
Department of Education-Office of Elementary and Secondary Education-School Improvement Programs, Recovery Act | $525,276,407 |
Corporation for National and Community Service-Operating Expenses, Recovery Act | $141,065,465 |
Department of Education-Office of Elementary and Secondary Education-Impact Aid, Recovery Act | $70,515,305 |
Department of Education-Federal Student Aid-Student Aid Administration, Recovery Act | $58,749,420 |
Department of Education-Office of Innovation and Improvement-Innovation and Improvement, Recovery Act | $52,908,842 |
National Endowment for the Arts-National Endowment for the Arts: Grants and Administration | $49,911,115 |
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Program Administration | $41,995,070 |
Department of Education-Institute of Education Sciences-Institute of Education Sciences, Recovery Act | $24,130,736 |
National Science Foundation-Education and Human Resources, Recovery Act | $23,414,599 |
Department of Education-Office of Postsecondary Education-Higher Education, Recovery Act | $13,707,846 |
Department of Transportation-Federal Highway Administration-Highway Infrastructure Investment, Recovery Act | $21,260,498,712 |
Department of Transportation-Federal Transit Administration-Transit Capital Assistance, Recovery Act | $4,907,683,575 |
Department of Transportation-Federal Railroad Administration-Capital Grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporatio | $1,297,480,554 |
Department of Transportation-Federal Aviation Administration-Grants-in-aid for Airports, Recovery Act | $1,063,681,281 |
Department of Transportation-Federal Transit Administration-Fixed Guideway Infrastructure Investment, Recovery Act | $503,936,032 |
Department of Transportation-Federal Railroad Administration-Capital Assistance for High Speed Rail Corridors | $259,300,094 |
Department of Transportation-Office of the Secretary of Transportation-Supplemental Discretionary Grants for a National S | $147,997,980 |
Energy / Environment
Department of Energy-Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Recovery | $8,704,920,087 |
Department of Treasury-Departmental Offices-Grants for Specified Energy Property in Lieu of Tax Credits | $8,432,337,541 |
Department of Energy-Deputy Administration for Defense Programs-Defense Environmental Clean-up Recovery | $4,277,485,974 |
Department of Energy-Office of Emergency Operations-Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Recovery | $1,590,216,041 |
Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Marketing Administration-Bonneville Power Administration Fund | $659,671,876 |
Department of the Interior-Bureau of Reclamation-Water and Related Resources, Recovery Act | $589,318,587 |
Environmental Protection Agency-Hazardous Substance Superfund, Recovery Act | $542,518,069 |
Department of Energy-Non-defense Environmental Clean-up, Recovery | $349,668,006 |
Department of Energy-Office of Nuclear Security/National Nuclear Security Administration-Uranium Enrichment Decontaminati | $307,362,752 |
GSA-Office of the Federal Acquisition Service-Energy-Efficient Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Procurement | $299,945,804 |
Department of Energy-Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program | $279,648,400 |
Environmental Protection Agency-Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program | $149,156,890 |
Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Marketing Administration -Western Area Power Administration Fund, Borrowing Authori | $149,134,438 |
Department of Energy-Energy Transformation Acceleration Fund | $143,713,782 |
Department of the Interior-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-Resource Management, Recovery Act | $143,081,488 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Green Retrofit Program (Grants) for Multifam Housing | $136,788,631 |
Department of the Interior-National Park Service.-Operation of the National Park System, Recovery Act | $133,833,230 |
Department of the Interior-Geological Survey-Surveys, Investigations, and Research, Recovery Act | $101,335,605 |
Department of the Interior-Bureau of Land Management-Management of Lands and Resources, Recovery Act | $70,904,726 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Green Retrofit Program (Loans) for Multifam Housing | $68,526,789 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Office Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control-Lead Hazard Reduction, Recovery | $67,428,052 |
Environmental Protection Agency-Environmental Programs and Management | $63,328,824 |
Department of Energy-Weapons Activities | $10,294,467 |
Department of Energy-Advance Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program | $8,855,037 |
Department of Energy-Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy | $7,214,147 |
Department of the Interior-National Park Service.-Historic Preservation Fund, Recovery Act | $2,980,042 |
Southwestern Power | $325,000 |
USDA-Conservation Operations | $194,316 |
Environmental Protection Agency-State and Tribal Assistance Grants, Recovery Act | $5,348,479,156 |
GSA-General Services Administration-Federal Buildings Fund, Recovery Act | $2,392,845,990 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Operation and Maintenance, Recovery Act | $1,860,670,415 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Construction, Recovery Act | $1,449,021,432 |
Department of the Army-Operation and Maintenance, Army, Recovery Act | $1,205,372,700 |
Department of the Air Force-Operation and Maintenance, Air Force, Recovery Act | $955,838,100 |
Department of Transportation-Federal Transit Administration-Capital Investment Grants, Recovery Act | $743,494,950 |
Department of Commerce-National Telecommunication and Information Administration-Broadband Technology Opportunities Progr | $636,101,679 |
USDA-Forest Service-Capital Improvement and Maintenance, Recovery Act | $474,048,494 |
Department of the Navy-Operation and Maintenance, Navy, Recovery Act | $400,266,615 |
Department of the Interior-National Park Service.-Construction and Major Maintenance, Recovery Act | $390,925,758 |
Department of Commerce-National Telecommunication and Information Administration-Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program, | $333,455,536 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Mississippi River and Tributaries, Recovery Act | $306,037,142 |
Department of the Interior-Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary)-Construction, Recovery Act | $296,464,279 |
USDA-Rural Utilities Service-Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program Account | $260,457,637 |
TRICARE Management Activity-Defense Health Program, Recovery Act | $242,885,178 |
National Guard Bureau, Office of the Chief- Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard, Recovery Act | $233,959,432 |
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service-Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations, Recovery Act | $207,222,940 |
Department of Defense-Military Construction, Defense-wide, Recovery Act | $188,925,725 |
USDA-Rural Utilities Service-Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program | $180,677,707 |
Department of State-U.S. and Mexico International Boundary and Water Commission-Construction, IBWC, Recovery Act | $167,596,318 |
Department of the Navy-Military Construction, Navy, Recovery Act | $166,364,163 |
Department of Transportation-Federal Aviation Administration-Facilities and Equipment, Recovery Act | $153,732,154 |
GSA-Federal Buildings Fund | $148,427,936 |
Department of Commerce-National Institute of Standards and Technology-Construction of Research Facilities, Recovery Act | $134,307,187 |
Department of State-Capital Investment Fund, Recovery Act | $132,161,276 |
National Science Foundation-Major Research and Equipment and Facilities Construction | $129,389,488 |
Department of the Army-Military Construction, Army, Recovery Act | $128,373,062 |
Department of Commerce-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction, Recove | $127,129,318 |
USDA-Rural Business Cooperative Service-Rural Business Program Account | $123,564,200 |
Department of the Air Force-Military Construction, Air Force, Recovery Act | $120,930,198 |
Department of the Interior-Bureau of Land Management-Construction, Recovery Act | $117,178,694 |
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Coast Guard-Alteration of Bridges, Recovery Act | $108,567,135 |
Department of the Interior-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-Construction, Recovery Act | $106,921,685 |
Department of Commerce-Economic Development Administration-Economic Development Assistance Programs, Recovery Act | $101,177,721 |
USDA-Agricultural Research Service-Buildings and Facilities, Recovery Act | $98,526,567 |
U.S. Marine Corps-Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps, Recovery Act | $96,729,054 |
Department of Transportation-Maritime Administration-Assistance to Small Shipyards, Recovery Act | $83,429,025 |
U.S. Army Reserve Command-Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve, Recovery Act | $82,077,407 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program, Recovery Act | $81,358,794 |
Federal Communications Commission-Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program, Recovery Act | $62,234,775 |
USDA-Rural Housing Service-Rural Community Facilities Program Account | $52,041,070 |
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Coast Guard-Acquisition, Construction, and Improvements | $51,063,155 |
Air National Guard-Military Construction, Air National Guard, Recovery Act | $49,199,270 |
Naval Reserve Force-Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve, Recovery Act | $43,023,163 |
Department of Veterans Affairs-Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs / National Cemetery System-National Cemetery Administ | $42,096,516 |
Department of Defense-Working Capital Fund | $41,414,917 |
National Guard Bureau, Office of the Chief- Military Construction, Army National Guard | $40,815,471 |
USDA-Farm Service Agency-Aquaculture Assistance, Recovery Act | $39,698,013 |
U.S. Agency for International Development-Capital Investment Fund | $35,529,409 |
Federal Communications Commission-Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, Recovery Act | $32,461,253 |
U.S. Marine Corps-Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve, Recovery Act | $30,730,820 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Regulatory Program, Recovery Act | $23,553,676 |
Air National Guard-Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard, Recovery Act | $22,967,124 |
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service-Watershed Rehabilitation Program, Recovery Act | $20,627,246 |
Department of Defense-U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers - Construction | $18,025,621 |
Department of the Navy- Operations and Maintenance, Navy | $15,669,300 |
USDA-Office of the Secretary of Agriculture-Agriculture Buildings and Facilities and Rental Payments | $12,952,364 |
Headquarters, Air Force Reserve-Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve, Recovery Act | $10,590,644 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Working Capital Fund - Recovery Act | $10,213,672 |
Department of Energy-Bonneville Power Marketing Administration-Construction, Rehabilitation, Operation and Maintenance We | $6,391,041 |
Department of Veterans Affairs-Immediate Office of the Assist. Sec. - Info. & Technology-Information Technology Systems, | $5,597,409 |
Department of Defense-U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers - Operations and Maintenance | $3,390,264 |
Working Capital Fund, Transportation Systems Center | $2,738,839 |
Department of State-Working Capital Fund | $2,130,138 |
Department of Treasury-Departmental Offices-Grants to States for Low-Income Housing Projects in Lieu of Low-Income Housin | $4,781,384,040 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing-Public Housing Capital Fund | $3,447,274,026 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development-Home Investment Pa | $2,050,627,270 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing-Project-based Rental Assist | $1,999,742,804 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development-Community Developm | $1,227,538,768 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development-Homelessness Preve | $1,074,297,219 |
Department of Defense-Homeowners Assistance Fund, Recovery Act | $555,000,000 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing-Native American Housing Blo | $447,748,776 |
USDA-Rural Housing Service-Rural Housing Insurance Fund Program Account | $186,671,386 |
Department of Treasury-Departmental Offices-Community Development Financial Institution Fund Program Account | $99,456,465 |
Department of the Air Force-Family Housing Construction, Air Force, Recovery Act | $61,798,508 |
Department of the Army-Family Housing Construction, Army, Recovery Act | $18,343,786 |
Department of the Air Force-Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air Force | $14,867,003 |
Department of the Army-Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Army, Recovery Act | $3,782,646 |
Department of the Interior-Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary)-Indian Guaranteed Loan Program Account, Recovery Act | $2,946,521 |
No TAS reported--Savings to States on State Contributions for Prescription Drug Costs Due to ARRA FMAP Increase | $4,318,878,262 |
HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Emergency Contingency Fund for State Temporary Assistance for Needy | $4,230,223,902 |
HHS-Health Resources and Services Administration-Health Resources and Services, Recovery | $1,943,314,687 |
Department of Veterans Affairs-Under Secretary for Health / Veterans Health Administration-Medical Facilities, Recovery A | $721,380,408 |
HHS-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-Disease Control, Research and Training, Recovery | $505,802,788 |
HHS-Indian Health Service-Indian Health Facilities, Recovery | $400,434,651 |
HHS-Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Office of National Coordinator for Health Information | $390,757,486 |
USDA-Food and Nutrition Service-Commodity Assistance Program, Recovery Act | $177,871,438 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-Building and Facilities, Recovery | $127,290,107 |
USDA-Food and Nutrition Service-State Child Nutrition Programs, Recovery | $98,950,958 |
HHS-Administration on Aging-Aging Services Programs, Recovery | $98,926,113 |
HHS-Indian Health Service-Indian Health Services, Recovery | $81,152,566 |
Department of Veterans Affairs-Grants for Construction of State Extended Care Facilities | $79,608,321 |
Department of Treasury-Internal Revenue Service-Health Insurance Tax Credit Administration, Recovery Act | $76,699,775 |
USDA-Food and Nutrition Service-Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children | $71,323,153 |
HHS-Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund, Rec | $46,128,225 |
HHS-Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Prevention and Wellness Fund, Recovery | $28,199,789 |
HHS-Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | $44,731 |
R&D / Science
National Science Foundation-Research and Related Activities, Recovery Act | $1,214,537,199 |
Department of Energy-Office of Science-Science Recovery | $1,125,181,590 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | $846,088,118 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Cancer Institute | $725,606,999 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute | $571,492,304 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Center for Research Resources, Recovery | $538,285,022 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of General Medical Sciences | $416,827,061 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Science, Recovery Act | $378,643,375 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Exploration, Recovery Act | $378,035,364 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | $344,978,974 |
Department of Energy-Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy-Fossil Energy Research and Development | $321,017,572 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | $307,298,547 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Mental Health | $269,197,528 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | $226,961,061 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute on Aging | $207,352,546 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute on Drug Abuse | $192,169,897 |
Department of Commerce-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Operations, Research, and Facilities, Recovery Act | $182,352,041 |
HHS-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality-Healthcare Research and Quality, Recovery | $157,182,850 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences | $138,837,449 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Eye Institute | $135,900,015 |
Department of Commerce-National Institute of Standards and Technology-Scientific and Technical Research and Services, Rec | $123,009,932 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Aeronautics, Recovery Act | $120,434,373 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases | $101,114,561 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Cross Agency Support, Recovery Act | $91,563,874 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Human Genome Research Institute | $90,966,154 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | $82,929,416 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders | $82,577,216 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research | $75,102,986 |
Department of the Navy-Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Navy, Recovery Act | $67,156,456 |
Department of the Air Force-Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Air Force, Recovery | $65,725,122 |
Department of the Army-Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Army, Recovery Act | $60,983,592 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Bioimaging and Bioengineering | $58,722,659 |
Department of Defense-Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Defense-wide | $57,030,821 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Library of Medicine | $56,449,937 |
Department of Energy-General Science and Research Activities | $43,374,740 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities | $36,193,412 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Nursing Research | $26,449,385 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine | $25,010,276 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-John E. Fogarty International Center | $12,281,090 |
Department of Energy-Office of Nuclear Security/National Nuclear Security Administration-Isotope Production and Distribut | $9,327,677 |
Department of the Navy-Research, Development, Test & Evaluation | $404,017 |
Prosthetics Research NIH, Recovery Act | $400,741 |
Environmental Protection Agency-Science and Technology Fund | $275,674 |
Department of Energy-Department of Energy-Title 17 Innovative Technology Guaranteed Loan Financing | $100,369 |
Other Programs
Department of Commerce-Bureau of the Census-Periodic Censuses and Programs, Recovery Act | $994,009,432 |
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-State Unemployment Insurance and Employment Service Operations | $821,223,985 |
HHS-National Institutes of Health-Office of Director, Recovery | $772,469,797 |
Small Business Administration-Business Loans Program Account, Recovery Act | $547,789,163 |
Social Security Administration-Administrative Expenses, Recovery Act | $529,379,779 |
Department of the Interior-Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary)-Operation of Indian Programs, Recovery Act | $305,214,165 |
Department of Veterans Affairs-General Operating Expenses, Recovery Act | $150,611,628 |
Department of Treasury-Departmental Offices-Administrative Expenses, Recovery Act | $121,472,516 |
HHS-Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services-Program Management | $109,254,135 |
USDA-Under Secretary for Rural Development-Salaries and Expenses | $100,038,390 |
GSA-Office of the Federal Acquisition Service-Acquisition Services Fund | $90,797,311 |
Department of the Interior-National Business Center | $80,059,054 |
Departmental Administration - Recovery Act | $69,556,192 |
Small Business Administration-Salaries and Expenses, Recovery Act | $54,909,157 |
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Customs and Border Protection-Salaries and Expenses, Customs and Border Protection | $42,951,707 |
Department of the Interior-Bureau of Reclamation-Working Capital Fund | $25,092,621 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only-Investigations, Recovery Act | $20,925,850 |
USDA-Farm Service Agency-Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund Program Account | $20,241,966 |
Corporation for National and Community Service-National Service Trust - Recovery Act | $19,213,136 |
Department of State-Bureau of Consular Affairs-Diplomatic and Consular Program, Recovery Act | $19,059,299 |
USDA-Farm Service Agency-Salaries and Expenses, Recovery Act | $17,847,679 |
Department of Labor-Employment Standards Administration-Salaries and Expenses | $13,986,663 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Administration, Operations, and Management - Recovery Act | $9,840,792 |
Energy Information Administration, Recovery Act | $7,998,712 |
Department of Labor-Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Salaries and Expenses | $7,090,468 |
Department of Labor-Occupational Safety and Health Administration-Salaries and Expenses | $6,670,912 |
Corporation for National and Community Service-Salaries and Expenses - Recovery Act | $5,932,203 |
Department of the Interior-Working Capital Fund | $5,379,082 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development-Personnel Compensa | $5,170,431 |
Department of Labor-Employee Benefits Security Administration-Salaries and Expenses | $4,905,442 |
HHS-Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-General Departmental Management | $4,634,586 |
Expenses -- Recovery Act | $3,996,984 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing-Personnel Compensation and | $3,281,186 |
GSA-Office of Governmentwide Policy-Government-wide Policy, Recovery Act | $2,942,166 |
Department of Commerce-Economic Development Administration-Salaries and Expenses - Recovery Act | $2,643,477 |
Working Capital Fund | $1,155,816 |
DOJ-Office of the Inspector General, Recovery Act | $900,000 |
Department of State-U.S. and Mexico International Boundary and Water Commission-Salaries and Expenses, IBWC | $859,455 |
Railroad Retirement Board-Limitation on Administration, Recovery Act | $817,134 |
Department of the Interior-Office of the Inspector General-Salaries and Expenses, Recovery Act | $770,095 |
Recovery Act - ARRA | $679,974 |
Department of Homeland Security-Office of the Under Secretary for Management, Recovery Act | $630,000 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Office Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control-Personnel Compensation and Benef | $205,466 |
Other Defense Activities Recovery Act Reimbursable Work for Other Federal Agencies | $101,197 |
Railroad Retirement Board-Administrative Expenses, Recovery Act | $0 |
Small Business Administration-Surety Bond Guarantees Revolving Fund - Recovery Act | $0 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development-Housing Personnel Compensation and Benefits - Recovery Act | $0 |
HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Children and Families Services Programs, Recovery | $2,667,962,383 |
HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Payments to States for Child Care and Development Block Grant | $1,926,671,922 |
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - Recovery Act | $298,540,480 |
Job Training / Unemployment
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Training and Employment Services | $3,296,321,459 |
Department of Education-Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services-Rehabilitation Services and Disability Re | $527,244,094 |
Department of Labor-Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management-Office of Job Corps, Recovery Act | $174,530,889 |
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Community Service Employment for Older Americans | $116,382,603 |
USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service-Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers, Recovery Act | $25,635,924 |
Department of Transportation-Maritime Administration-Operations and Training, Recovery Act |
Public Safety
Department of Justice-Office of Justice Programs (OJP) - Department of Justice | $2,252,318,570 |
Department of Homeland Security-Transportation Security Administration-Aviation Security, Recovery Act | $511,150,280 |
Department of Justice-Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) - Department of Justice | $398,218,007 |
USDA-Forest Service-Wildland Fire Management, Recovery Act | $323,058,095 |
Department of Justice-Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) - Department of Justice | $154,771,285 |
Department of Homeland Security-Federal Emergency Management Agency-Emergency Food and Shelter, Recovery Act | $100,000,000 |
Department of Homeland Security-Federal Emergency Management Agency-State and Local Programs, Recovery Act | $91,182,417 |
Department of Homeland Security-Federal Emergency Management Agency-Firefighter Assistance Grants, Recovery Act | $55,279,257 |
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Customs and Border Protection-Construction, Customs and Border Protection | $40,302,594 |
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Customs and Border Protection-Border Security Fencing, Infrastructure, and Technolog | $18,139,764 |
Department of the Interior-Wildland Fire Management, Recovery Act | $13,901,297 |
Federal Protective Services - Recovery Act | $10,536,434 |
Department of Justice-Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) - Department of Justice | $8,159,000 |
Department of Homeland Security-U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement-Automation Modernization, Immigration and Custom | $5,888,015 |
Medicaid Grants to States
HHS-Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services-Grants to States for Medicaid | $84,583,411,745 |
Unemployment Insurance Programs
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Payments to the Unemployment Trust Fund | $37,275,321,752 |
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Federal Addtl Unemployment Compensation Program | $14,100,468,934 |
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration-Unemployment Trust Fund | $9,452,622,638 |
Railroad Retirement Board-Railroad Unemployment Insurance Extended Benefit Payments | $10,484,364 |
Family Services
USDA-Food and Nutrition Service-Food Stamp Program, Recovery | $25,777,227,548 |
HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Payments to States for Child Support Enforcement and Family Support | $1,733,697,869 |
HHS-Administration for Children and Families-Payment to States for Foster Care and Adoption Assistance, Recovery | $824,670,124 |
Economic Recovery Payments
Social Security Administration-Economic Recovery Payments, Recovery Act | $13,214,103,394 |
Department of Veterans Affairs-Under Secretary for Benefits / Veterans Benefit Administration-Compensation and Pensions, | $464,729,429 |
Railroad Retirement Board-Economic Recovery Payments | $129,969,250 |
Agricultural Disaster Relief Fund
USDA-Farm Service Agency-Agricultural Disaster Relief Fund, Recovery Act | $821,998,335 |
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