Obama in 2 Minutes

Affordable Care Act
  1. Children can stay on parent’s health plan until age 26, 3.1 million MORE young adults got coverage this way.
  2. You get a rebate if your insurer doesn’t spend enough on your care
  3. More Medicare prescriptions covered, donut hole closed
  4. Set up public exchanges in each state where you can buy insurance as a group, will be affordable to buy insurance without getting it from employer.
  5. You can’t get denied or dropped if you get sick.
  6. Saves money, reduces fraud, pays for Medicare for 8 additional years
  7. Romney would repeal.
  1. We were LOSING 500,000 jobs a month, had already lost 4 million jobs before Obama
  2. Now we are GAINING 100,000 jobs a month, 4.5 million jobs recovered since recession
  3. Saved GM, went from bankrupt to #1 in the world. Romney said “Let Detroit go bankrupt”
  4. Passed new regulations to prevent this recession of happening again. Romney wants those regulations gone
  5. New plan to hire unemployed construction workers to fix crumbling schools and bridges using US steel and rehire teachers/ Romney’s plan creates to immediate jobs
  1. Ended Iraq war, no troops left, no permanent bases. Romney wanted to stay.
  2. Oversaw operation that killed Bin Laden. Romney said going after his was a bad idea.
  3. Started bringing troops home from Afghanistan, last will leave in 2014
  4. Prevented promised Libya massacre. No US casualties. No invasion. Cost: 0.1% of Bush wars. Lasted less than two months.  
  5. Sent special troops to help stop Kony from abducting children and making them into soldiers
Equal Rights
  1. Passed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, gives women more time to fight wage discrimination
  2. Repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Romney would continue it.
  3. Banned hospitals that receive federal funding from denying visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

Top Political News: June 8, 2012

Obama Warns Eurozone Crisis Could Drag Down U.S.

In a news conference Friday morning, President Obama urged Congress to act on his proposals to create jobs. He also warned of the risks Europe could pose to the U.S. economy.

U.S. Military's Green Energy Criticized By Congress

The White House and military brass are calling for the development of alternative energy. One goal is cutting dependence on foreign sources. Another is reducing the carbon footprint of the largest fossil fuel consumer in the world. But now some on Capitol Hill are blocking the effort to green the military.

Top Political News: June 7, 2012

New Farm Bill Focuses On Reaping, Not Sowing

A $970 billion bill, covering everything from food stamps to crop insurance, passed a key procedural hurdle in the Senate today, and it did so with overwhelming bipartisan support. The measure, known as the Farm Bill, comes up for renewal every five years.

There's More Secret Money In Politics; Justice Kennedy Might Be Surprised

But despite what Kennedy said, secret money has become the real growth area in campaign politics.
Crossroads GPS, co-founded by Republican strategist Karl Rove, joined with a handful of other conservative "social welfare" organizations, spent more than $30 million on ads attacking President Obama through the end of May.
Crossroads then announced a new ad buy of $25 million.

Top Political News: June 6, 2012

Seattle Catholics Divided On Repealing Gay Marriage

Wednesday is the deadline in Washington State to get a ban on same-sex marriage onto the fall ballot. The legislature legalized gay marriage earlier this year. One of the biggest proponents of the repeal is the Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle. It wants all of its parishes to actively campaign against same-sex marriage, but some are refusing.

The Deleted Tweets Of Politicians Find A New Home

Everyone is prone to make gaffes on Twitter, including angry statements made in the "tweet" of the moment. But a new project aims to keep an eye on politicians who try to delete those gaffes.

California Primary Sets Up Same-Party U.S. House Contests In November

While some results remained unofficial Wednesday morning, five congressional districts were certain to have Democrat-vs.-Democrat races on Nov. 6, while a sixth looked likely; two districts could have Republican-vs.-Republican contests.

Top Political News: June 4, 2012

With many conservatives already suspecting that he is a conservative of convenience, Mitt Romney apparently hasn't done himself any favors in their eyes with the man he chose to lead his presidential transition.
But some of Leavitt's experience has been of the wrong kind, according to some conservatives. Since leaving public service, Leavitt has worked as a consultant who as advocated for the health care insurance exchanges central to the Affordable Care Act, known by detractors and supporters alike as ObamaCare.

Even those who would seek to level the playing field by allowing candidates and parties to raise more money directly believe that the genie may already be out of the bottle. Many rich donors have come to like superPACs, which allow them to control their own messages.
"I do think the current system will get worse until we have significant reforms," says Nick Nyhart, president of the Public Campaign Action Fund, which favors fundraising limits.
"As bad as things are in 2012, they will continue to get worse in 2014 and 2016 unless we have some change," Nyhart says. "The current system cannot hold.

Think "grass-roots politics," and what's the first thing that comes to mind?
How about two dozen multimillionaires with open checkbooks?
That's what an NPR analysis of annual IRS filings by Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies shows. Despite its name and the repeated use of the word "grassroots" in those documents, nearly 90 percent of the $77 million raised by the Karl Rove-founded group in its first 18 months came from donors who gave at least $1 million.

Top Political News: June 2&3, 2012 (Weekend Edition)

Obama has called for more federal spending on public works projects and local government, which might have prevented last month's loss of 28,000 construction jobs and 13,000 government jobs. But Congress never approved that spending.
Bernstein, who's now a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, says lawmakers have added their own measure of uncertainty with their refusal to compromise on taxes, spending targets and the debt ceiling.
"I think the political gridlock, or dysfunction, if you will, has made things even worse. Now we're talking about going over this fiscal cliff and having another debt ceiling fight," he says. "That's obviously exactly the wrong medicine for the current economy. So it's not just that Congress isn't helping; it's that they're actively hurting."

Voters in Wisconsin will decide Tuesday whether or not to recall Republican Gov. Scott Walker. It's been one of the most expensive statewide races in American history, and the stakes in that election could have national implications, for unions, for deficit hawks, for businesses, even for President Obama's re-election.

Top Political News: June 1,2012

In Tallahassee, a federal judge has blocked state elections officials from enforcing tough restrictions on groups that conduct voter registration drives.
And in Washington, the Justice Department has sent a letter to Florida telling it to immediately halt efforts to purge from the voting rolls people suspected of being noncitizens.

Top Political News: May 31, 2012

Bill Internicola, a 91-yar-old World War II veteran, was born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., and now lives in Florida's Broward County. He recently received a letter from county elections officials asking him to show proof he was a U.S. citizen or be removed from the voting rolls.
Internicola says he was "flabbergasted."
"To me, it's like an insult," he says. "They sent me a form to fill out. And I filled out the form and I sent it back to them with a copy of my discharge paper and a copy of my tour of duty in the ETO, which is the European Theater of Operations."
"Why is this happening less than three months before an election?" Deutch said. "Why is there only a 30-day period for people to be able to respond? It looks like there is an effort to purge a large number of voters from the rolls whether they're eligible voters or not."

The White House, most Democrats, abortion rights groups and some Asian-American organizations opposed the bill, saying it could lead to racial profiling of Asian-American women and subject doctors who do not report suspected sex-selection abortions to criminal charges.
"The administration opposes gender discrimination in all forms, but the end result of this legislation would be to subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision," White House spokeswoman Jamie Smith said in a statement. "The government should not intrude in medical decisions or private family matters in this way."

Poised to triumphantly clinch the Republican nomination for president, Romney instead was upstaged Tuesday by supporter Donald Trump's new birther-on-steroids shtick that stole the headlines and the candidate's big moment.
Then on Thursday, ready to embarrass President Obama by holding a "surprise" press event in front of Solyndra, the Obama-touted California solar energy company that failed after getting a $535 million government loan guarantee, Romney was upstaged yet again.
This time, by not one, but two events the cable news channels carried live during and after his photo-op event: Obama hosting former President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush for the unveiling of their official portraits — a good humored affair that was just the second time the former president has been back in the White House since his term ended.
And then? Wall-to-wall coverage of a potential verdict in the John Edwards' political corruption trial.
The news Thursday was also filled with reports that a federal appeals court had found unconstitutional the Defense of Marriage Act that bars same sex marriage.


Retail giant Wal-Mart became the latest, and possibly highest-profile corporation to drop its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council. The conservative group helped replicate Florida's Stand Your Ground gun law in other states.

In 2008, Powell endorsed Barack Obama. He has not endorsed anyone yet this election cycle, but he was unabashedly critical of Romney.
"For example, when Gov. Romney not too long ago said the Russian Federation is our No. 1 geostrategic threat — well, c'mon, Mitt. I think that isn't the case," Powell said.
Powell also criticized Romney for filling his campaign with neoconservative advisers.

Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said Wednesday night he expects that the court has already had second thoughts about parts of its controversial Citizens United ruling that eased restrictions on corporate spending in political campaigns.
The sharply divided court ruled that independent spending by corporations does "not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption." Stevens, who dissented from that 2010 decision, said that at some point the court will have to issue an opinion "explicitly crafting an exception that will create a crack in the foundation" of that ruling.


The setup of the 17-country euro currency union is unsustainable, the head of the European Central Bank has told EU leaders, warning they must quickly come up with a broad vision for the future to get the bloc through the current financial crisis.

The U.N. human rights chief is calling for an independent investigation into last week's slaughter of dozens of civilians in the Syrian town of Houla, as activists on Friday reported the killing of at least 12 more civilians. 

Toss Up States Obama Needs to Win

These are the toss up states.  Obama needs 27 electoral votes to win.

New Hampshire (4) 
Iowa (6) 
Colorado (9) 
Wisconsin (10) 
Missouri (10) 
Arizona (11)
Virginia (13) 
North Carolina (15) 
Ohio (18) 
Florida (29)

He can win with any of the following 19 minimum combinations:
Florida (29)

Colorado (9)
Ohio (18) 

Virginia (13) 
North Carolina (15) 

Missouri (10) 
Ohio (18) 

Wisconsin (10) 
Ohio (18) 

Colorado (9) 
Ohio (18) 

New Hampshire (4) 
Iowa (6)
Ohio (18) 

Missouri (10) 
Arizona (11)
Virginia (13) 

Wisconsin (10) 
Arizona (11)
Virginia (13) 

Colorado (9) 
Arizona (11)
Virginia (13) 

Iowa (6) 
Arizona (11)
Virginia (13) 

New Hampshire (4) 
Arizona (11)
Virginia (13) 

Colorado (9) 
Missouri (10) 
Arizona (11)

Iowa (6) 
Missouri (10) 
Arizona (11)

Colorado (9) 
Wisconsin (10) 
Arizona (11)

Iowa (6) 
Wisconsin (10) 
Arizona (11)

Missouri (10) 
Wisconsin (10) 
Colorado (9) 

New Hampshire (4) 
Iowa (6) 
Colorado (9) 
Missouri (10) 

New Hampshire (4) 
Iowa (6) 
Colorado (9) 
Wisconsin (10)  

Top Political News: May 30, 2012

This idea of the American dream as a collective enterprise is what sets Democrats apart from Republicans.
"If you look at three basic values that underpin the American dream," says John Kenneth White, a political scientist and editor of The American Dream in the 21st Century, "they really are freedom, individual rights — which are closely tied to that — and equality of opportunity."
Republicans typically stress freedom, White says, and they tend to see government as a likely impediment.
Democrats like Obama focus on opportunity, and they see a vital role for government.
"Somebody who has a great idea in selling a great product or service, we want them to get rich. That's great. But we also want to make sure that we as a society are investing in that young kid who comes from a poor family who has incredible talent and might be able to get rich as well," Obama has said. "And that means we've got to build good schools. And we've got to make sure that that child can go to college."

And the survey had good news for President Obama: during the last half of the month, he improved his standing against GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in Wisconsin.
The new survey also showed Obama leading Romney among likely voters, 51 percent to 43 percent. Two weeks ago, the poll showed the presidential race tied at 46 percent each. Nearly half of the voters polled expressed an unfavorable opinion of Romney, with 40 percent saying they looked favorably on the former Massachusetts governor. Obama had a 55 percent favorability rating, with 41 percent saying they viewed him unfavorably.

With most media organizations now projecting that Mitt Romney has secured enough delegates to clinch the Republican presidential nomination, President Obama called the former Massachusetts governor to offer his congratulations.

Top Political News : May 29, 2012

The most potentially influential politician you've probably never heard of, former two-term Maine Gov. Angus King, on Tuesday officially entered the race to replace retiring moderate GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe.
King, 68, an alternative-energy entrepreneur and supporter of President Obama, filed more than 6,000 signatures with Maine's secretary of state to ensure his place on November's ballot.
My goal is to stay as independent as I can. I want to be able to have that flexibility as long as possible. It may be that in order to be effective, I'm going to have to sign up with one of the other teams. I don't want to do that. On the other hand, I don't want to go down and be a potted plant. That wouldn't be fair to Maine.

What's coming? The Bush-era tax cuts expire along with the payroll tax break; the nation's borrowing authority bumps against its limit; and huge mandatory spending cuts — half targeting defense — are set to kick in.
All this could trigger another recession, but Congress is not likely to do much about it until after November's election.
Last week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office also weighed in: Unless Congress acts to change current law, it said, spending cuts and tax increases could shrivel next year's growth to a mere one-half of 1 percent, which would probably be seen as a recession.
"I say to the 41 Republicans and Sen. Hatch who sent me this letter, move on revenues, we could have had a deal a long time ago," he said. "The president said that when we got together at the White House last Wednesday."

Top Political News: Memorial Day Weekend Edition

Iran’s nuclear chief, reversing the country’s previous statements, said on state television on Sunday that the country would not halt its production of higher-grade uranium, suggesting that the Iranian government was veering back to a much harder line after talks in Baghdad with the West last week ended badly.
President Obama has started hitting back at Republicans who accuse him of being the biggest-spending president in history, arguing that the increases in his budgets are the smallest in decades.
Host Rachel Martin talks with NPR's Scott Horsley about the aggressive campaigning in recent weeks by both President Obama and Mitt Romney. Both men are focusing on jobs and the economy.

GOP "Logic": More Jobs = Getting Worse

When Obama took office he were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs each month at a rapidly increasing rate.  When Obama got election he slowed the loss of jobs until we started making gains in March 2012.  We have been adding jobs for two consecutive years at the same rate as we were before the recession.  

Top Political News: May 26, 2012

But the 49th has a new claim to fame: In 2009, the ward's alderman, Joe Moore, became the first elected official in the country to hand over the purse strings to his constituents.
"I am ceding my power to decide how this money is spent and giving it to you," Moore said to a group of about 40 people on a cold November night last fall.
Giving budget power to residents has changed what gets done with infrastructure money. When Moore called the shots, he chose only meat-and-potatoes projects — street repairs, a new crossing signal or two. Under the new scheme, the ward's residents have funded showers at the beach, heated bus shelters and a $110,000 dog park.
Some skeptics say participatory budgeting allows small voting blocs to band together and push through pet projects. Those who like the process say that at least with this approach the people wielding power are not the rich or well-connected. Instead, they're regular citizens who choose to put in the time.


SIMON: What would you urge our informed and discriminating listeners to pay attention to the next time we report poll results?
SELZER: Well, I think this early in the campaign, and really until we get to probably October, you need to keep in mind that any measure of the horse race is really a reflection of the mood. Sort of how are people feeling about this campaign right now? There's no poll in May or June that is going to predict what's going to happen, but the advise I would give is to choose a couple of polls and follow them, because  ....all of (the differences and nuances are) controlled for if you follow the same poll over time.


The Supreme Court's 2010 decision Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission allows outside groups to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money to advocate for a particular issue or even candidate.
Right now, more than 80 percent of the money raised by superPACs has gone to pro-GOP groups. And, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, 80 percent of all the money raised by these groups has come from just 100 individuals — the wealthiest people in America. People like Texas billionaire Harold Simmons.
Homans estimates Simmons has donated around $18 million to $19 million to Crossroads GPS.
Try to guess how many superPACs are operating in the U.S. today. Dave Levinthal, who covers money and politics for Politico, says there are about 450 — at the moment.

GOP "Logic": Stronger Dollar vs Europe = Getting Worse

The US Dollar increased 27.2% against Euro
The US Dollar increased 25.9% against the British Pound

Obama ended US crisis years ago while the crisis in Europe continues.


Top Political News: May 25, 2012

It’s not looking good for the Spanish banking system. Standard & Poor’s just slashed the credit ratings of five banks and said the country is headed into a double-dip recession. One of them, Bankia, just asked the government for 19 billion euros in aid - a roughly $23.8 billion boost.
That makes it the largest bank bailout in Spain’s history. Combined with escalating concerns that Greece is about to execute its so-called Grexit from the euro currency, the news is doing nothing to alleviate the heightened anxiety in the euro zone.

GONYEA: The president said the main goal of firms like Bain Capital is not to create jobs, but to maximize returns for investors.
OBAMA: Now, that may be the job of somebody who's engaged in corporate buyouts. That's fine. But that's not the job of a president.

Top Political News: May 24, 2012

But now the GOP has a problem. In the two years since the law passed, several of its parts have become very popular with voters — among them, parents' ability to keep kids on their health plans until age 26 and a ban on denying insurance because of pre-existing conditions.
So it wasn't surprising when news leaked to Politico last week that Republicans were making plans to try to preserve those popular parts of the act if the Supreme Court strikes the law down.
But the political blowback for the GOP was immediate and harsh. Staffers described dozens of calls from angry conservatives. Right-wing think tanks blasted the endorsement of what they called "government meddling in business." And just a few short hours after the news was leaked, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, sent an email blast to the media, saying, "Our plan remains to repeal the law in its entirety. Anything short of that is unacceptable."
On Wednesday, it rolled out a new ad aimed squarely at veterans and military families. In the ad, the president says, "The sacrifices that our troops have made have been incredible. It's because of what they've done that we've been able to go after al-Qaida and kill bin Laden. And when they come home, we have a sacred trust to make sure we are doing everything we can to heal all of their wounds."

If the Election Were Today...Obama Wins

Obama 318 - Romney 191 - 29 Tied
270 needed to win

Toss Up States
Arizona (11)
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Missouri (10)
New Hampshire (4)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Virginia (13)

Hitler vs Obama. I don't know why I even have to explain this

If you think Obama and Hitler did the same things you are either ignorant of history or ignorant of the present.
Killed millions of his own people for being different:
Hitler: yes.  Obama: no.

Invaded other nations to gain their land:
Hitler: yes.  Obama: no.

Controlled media and literally killed free speech:
Hitler: yes.  Obama: no.

Negotiated with people who would have been his enemies:
Hitler: no.  Obama: yes/

Ended a war he didn't start:
Hitler: no.  Obama: yes.

Fox Turns Up Bias to Kick Off General Election

Fox polls went from deadly accurate to extremely biased the day after Santorum ended his bid for Republicans nominee.  This is the day that many considered to be the first day of the general election, the day that it because all about Obama and Romney.  I began trusting Fox polls over the past few months but now I can see they have adopted an extreme bias for the general election.  I will ignore their polls entirely from now on because I have no use for fanciful conservative distortion such as this.

Weigh in on Important Laws on POPVOX

I supported:
To increase purchasing power, strengthen economic recovery, and restore fairness in financing higher education in the United States through student loan forgiveness, caps on interest rates on Federal student loans, and refinancing opportunities for private borrowers, and for other purposes.
S. 2210: A bill to provide that Members of Congress shall not receive a cost of living adjustment in pay during 2013.

S. 2204: A bill to eliminate unnecessary tax subsidies and promote renewable energy and energy conservation.

 I am opposed to:
The Ryan Budget for FY 2013 (Path to Prosperity)
Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2013 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022.

Photo of the Week of 18 March 2012

Repealing the Affordable Care Act would hurt millions of people.  I wish there were more informative pictures such as this floating around

Stupidest Comment of the Day: 19 March 2012

Click here to comment

Click here to comment 

Stupidest Comment of the Day: March 17 2012

  • not re electing that poopskined hawaiin. he raped his daughters look it up.
     ·  · 4 hours ago · 

Some people are disgustingly vulgar

7 Ways Violence Against Women Act Helps, 1 Party that Doesn't Want It

Republicans are against the Violence Against Women Act that would

-Expand the definition of domestic violence to include same sex couples
-Provide grants to battered women's shelters
-Expand efforts to help battered women in Indian tribes and rural areas
-Increase the availability of free legal assistance to victims of domestic violence
-Extend the definition of violence against women to include stalking
-Provide training for civil and criminal court personnel to deal with families with a history of violence
-Would help battered illegal immigrants by granting temporary visas so they can escape their abusive spouse and seek legal action.


Waning GOP Enthusiasm

GOP Turnout is 4% less than is was is 2008 at this point.

2010: 2679805
2008  2793538

Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Republican_primary,_2012 (and all the others like it)

13 Favorite State of the Union Quotes

  1. "The state of our union is getting stronger"  
  2. "I will fight inaction with action"
  3. "Higher education can't be a luxury".
  4. "Women should earn equal pay for equal work."
  5. "Innovation is what America always has been about"
  6. "Oil isn't enough...I will not walk away from the promise of clean energy"
  7. "(Big banks) need to repay a deficit of trust"
  8. "Call this class warfare...most Americans would call it common sense"
  9. "Send me a bill that bans insider trading by members of Congress and I will sign it tomorrow."
  10. "America stays the safest country because of the men and women willing to defend it...We must serve them as well as they served us"
  11.  "When we act together there is nothing the United States of America can't achieve."
  12. "America is back...anyone who says that America is in decline doesn't know what they are talking about."
  13. "(Congress can learn something from our troops): you look out for the person next to you or the mission fails...you rise or fall as one unit, serving one nation, leaving no one behind"

GOP Race Predictions (1/29/12)

I think the winner will be clear by the end of the Super Tuesday primaries. Here are my predictions based on the most recent polling data
Romney: 10 states
Gingrich 6 states
Santourm: 1 state
I am calling Romney as the front runner after Super Tuesday. I think we will see more states shift to Romney after Florida.

State of the Union 2012 Live Blog

(10:14) Congress can learn something from troops: "...you look out for the person next to you or the mission fails...you rise or fall as one unit, serving one nation, leaving no one behind".

(10:11)  "America stays the safest country because of the men and women willing to defend it".  "We must serve them as well as they served us".  Obama increased VA spending every year. Obama proposed a Veteran Jobs Corp.

(10:10) Obama proposed plan to keep our military the best while saving a half a trillion dollars.

(10:09) America's commitment to Israeli security is "ironclad".  "America is back...anyone who says that America is in decline doesn't know what they are talking about.".

(10:08) America is against getting a nuclear weapon and Obama will taken no options off the table to ensure they don't.  A peaceful solution is the best one.

(10:05) Remnant of Al Queda are scrambling so we are leaving Afghanistan with a partnership with the Afghan government.

(10:03) Obama asks Congress to grant him authority to consolidate the executive branch. "We should all want a smarter, more effective government".  "When we act together there is nothing the United States of America can't achieve."

(9:59) Most Americans think Washington is broken.  Obama says you can't blame them.  There is a deficit of trust between Washington and the people.  "Send me a bill that bans insider trading by members of Congress and I will sign it tomorrow."  We need to limit fundraisers from being lobbyists.

(9:55) We need to get rid of tax cuts on the wealthy so we don't have to cut back on education in order to pay the debt.  Obama says that he and other wealthy people need to pay their fair share.  Taxes shouldn't go up on the middle class.  "Call this class warfare...most Americans would call it common sense".  Americans know it is not right to give the rich a tax break they don't need and by for it by passing the cost on the everyone else.

(9:54) We need to stop the tax hike on the middle class.  We need to pass this legislation without sideshows, drama or delay.

(9:53) We need to crack down on fraud.  Obama is creating a unit to hold those who caused the recession accountable and assess what went so terribly wrong.

(9:52) America will not bail the banks out ever again.

(9:51) We can't relent on regulations that we need to protect consumers and women.

(9:49) Fixed 500 regulations including one classifying milk as oil and requiring producers to show that they can contain a spill.

(9:47) Obama sending Congress a plan to refinance mortgages with the government; will be payed by a tax to the banks who need to repay "a deficit of trust"

(9:46) Obama will cut red tape that prevents construction projects from starting.  Congress needs to use the money we aren't using on war to pay down the debt and fund more construction projects.

(9:44) Since Congress hasn't acted on clean energy Obama will direct the departments of energy and defense to develop it.

(9:43) We need to end oil subsidies because these industries have never been more profitable.

(9:39) American oil production is the highest in 8 years.  Foreign dependence lowest in 16 years.  "Oil isn't enough".  We need to develop all types of energy.  Public research dollars were used to get private natural gas off the ground.  Renewable energy production nearly doubled, creating thousands of jobs.  "I will not walk away from the promise of clean energy".

(9:37) "Women should earn equal pay for equal work."  "Innovation is what America always has been about".  Help small businesses by expanding aid and reducing restricting regulations. "Both parties agree so get this in a bill and put it on my desk".

(9:36) Fewer illegal immigrants crossing.  Still we need to work on immigration reform.  Let's not deport illegals who want to build our economy.

(9:34) Congress needs to stop college loan interest rates from doubling in July.  It saves middle class families thousands of jobs.  Double work study programs.  States need to make college education and priority and colleges need to keep cost down.  "Higher education can't be a luxury".

(9:32) We need to give schools the resources to reward great teachers and allow them to teach well.  Every state should require all students to stay until they turn 18 so they don't give up too soon.

(9:31) States have raised their standards thanks to Race to the Top.

(9:28) Obama has lined up companies that want to partner with community colleges to train the people they need to hire.  We need to turn out unemployment system into a reemployment system.

(9:27) Trade enforcement unit to be created to make sure that China is playing by trade rules.  Congress should make sure that our businesses are never at a disadvantage.

(9:26) New trade agreements will double US exports.

(9:23) No tax breaks for outsourcing, tax breaks for moving back to the US.  All corporations need to pay taxes.  More tax cuts for manufacturing.  "Send me these tax reforms and I will sign them right away."

(9:22) CEO of Masterline said it now makes business sense to bring jobs back to America.

(9:20) We need to build an economy on energy, manufacturing and American values.  GM went from verge of collapse to being the world's number one auto maker, Chrysler is growing fastest and Ford is investing in American manufacturing.

(9:18) We lost 8 million jobs before Obama's policies took effect.  3 million jobs have been created in the past 22 months.  American manufacturers are creating jobs for the first time since the 90's.  Rules were put in place to make sure the recession will never happen again.  "The state of out union is getting stronger".  "I will fight inaction with action"/

(9:16) Everyone should play by the same rules.  We should "reclaim American values".

(9:13) No Americans fighting in Iraq.  Osama is no longer a threat to the US.  Some troops have begun to leave Afghanistan.  Our armed forces always exceed expectations.