Obama in 2 Minutes
Affordable Care Act
- Children can stay on parent’s health plan until age 26, 3.1 million MORE young adults got coverage this way.
- You get a rebate if your insurer doesn’t spend enough on your care
- More Medicare prescriptions covered, donut hole closed
- Set up public exchanges in each state where you can buy insurance as a group, will be affordable to buy insurance without getting it from employer.
- You can’t get denied or dropped if you get sick.
- Saves money, reduces fraud, pays for Medicare for 8 additional years
- Romney would repeal.
- We were LOSING 500,000 jobs a month, had already lost 4 million jobs before Obama
- Now we are GAINING 100,000 jobs a month, 4.5 million jobs recovered since recession
- Saved GM, went from bankrupt to #1 in the world. Romney said “Let Detroit go bankrupt”
- Passed new regulations to prevent this recession of happening again. Romney wants those regulations gone
- New plan to hire unemployed construction workers to fix crumbling schools and bridges using US steel and rehire teachers/ Romney’s plan creates to immediate jobs
- Ended Iraq war, no troops left, no permanent bases. Romney wanted to stay.
- Oversaw operation that killed Bin Laden. Romney said going after his was a bad idea.
- Started bringing troops home from Afghanistan, last will leave in 2014
- Prevented promised Libya massacre. No US casualties. No invasion. Cost: 0.1% of Bush wars. Lasted less than two months.
- Sent special troops to help stop Kony from abducting children and making them into soldiers
Equal Rights
- Passed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, gives women more time to fight wage discrimination
- Repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Romney would continue it.
- Banned hospitals that receive federal funding from denying visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
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